normalizer transform


You can define rewrite rules for the PHI language using YAML and the MetaPHI language that is a superset of PHI.

See the MetaPHI Labelled BNF in

phi-paper rules

Currently, the PHI normalizer supports rules defined in an unpublished paper by Yegor Bugayenko.



These rules translated to MetaPHI are in yegor.yaml.

Each rule has the following structure:

  • name - Rule name.
  • description - Rule description.
  • context - (optional) Rule context. A context may contain:
    • global-object - (optional) Global object MetaId.
    • current-object - (optional) Current object MetaId.
  • pattern - Term pattern.
    • When this term pattern matches a subterm of a PHI term, MetaIds from the term pattern become associated with matching subexpressions of that subterm.
  • result - Substitution result.
    • MetaIds in the subterm pattern get replaced by their associated subexpressions.
  • when - A list of conditions for pattern matching.
    • nf - A list of MetaIds associated with subexpressions that shoud be in normal form.
    • present_attrs - A list of attributes that must be present in subexpression bindings.
      • attrs - A list of attributes. Can include MetaIds.
      • bindings - A list of bindings that must contain these attributes.
    • absent_attrs - A list of attributes that must not be present in subexpression bindings.
      • attrs - A list of attributes. Can include MetaIds.
      • bindings - A list of bindings that must not contain these attributes.
  • tests - A list of unit tests for this rule.
    • name - Test name.
    • input - An initial PHI term.
    • output - The initial PHI term after this rule was applied.
    • matches - Whether the term pattern should match any subterm.

Normal form

An expression is in normal form when no rule can be applied to that expression.



The commands in the following sections access files that are available in the project repository.

Clone and enter the project repository.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd normalizer

Sample program

Save a PHI program to a file.

cat > celsius.phi <<EOM
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float(as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes(Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)), // 25.0
  result ↦
    ξ.c.times(x ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 3F-FC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CD ⟧)  // 1.8
       .plus(x ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00 ⟧), // 32.0
  λ ⤍ Package



normalizer transform --help
Usage: normalizer transform [-r|--rules FILE] [-c|--chain] [-j|--json] [--tex]
                            [-o|--output-file FILE] [-s|--single]
                            [--max-depth INT] [--max-growth-factor INT] [FILE]
                            [-d|--dependency-file FILE]

  Transform a PHI program.

Available options:
  -r,--rules FILE          FILE with user-defined rules. If unspecified, builtin
                           set of rules is used.
  -c,--chain               Output transformation steps.
  -j,--json                Output JSON.
  --tex                    Output LaTeX.
  -o,--output-file FILE    Output to FILE. When this option is not specified,
                           output to stdout.
  -s,--single              Output a single expression.
  --max-depth INT          Maximum depth of rules application. Defaults to 10.
  --max-growth-factor INT  The factor by which to allow the input term to grow
                           before stopping. Defaults to 10.
  FILE                     FILE to read input from. When no FILE is specified,
                           read from stdin.
  -d,--dependency-file FILE
                           FILE to read dependencies from (zero or more
                           dependency files allowed).
  -h,--help                Show this help text

--rules FILE

Normalize a 𝜑-expression from celsius.phi using the rules from a given file (e.g. yegor.yaml).

The output may contain multiple numbered results that correspond to different possible rule application sequences (even if the final result is the same).

normalizer transform --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml celsius.phi
Rule set based on Yegor's draft
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),
  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦
  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦
    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00
  λ ⤍ Package
Result 1 out of 1:
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),
  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦
  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦
    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00
  λ ⤍ Package


Use --chain to see numbered normalization steps for each normalization result.

normalizer transform --chain --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml celsius.phi
Rule set based on Yegor's draft
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),
  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦
  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦
    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00
  λ ⤍ Package
Result 1 out of 1:
[ 1 / 1 ] Normal form: {⟦
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),
  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦
  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦
    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00
  λ ⤍ Package


normalizer transform --json --chain --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml celsius.phi
  "input": "{⟦\n  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),\n  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 3F-FC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CD\n  ⟧\n  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00\n  ⟧\n),\n  λ ⤍ Package\n⟧}",
  "output": [
        "Normal form",
        "{⟦\n  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),\n  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 3F-FC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CD\n  ⟧\n  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00\n  ⟧\n),\n  λ ⤍ Package\n⟧}"


normalizer transform --single --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml celsius.phi
  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),
  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦
  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦
    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00
  λ ⤍ Package

--single --json

normalizer transform --single --json --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml celsius.phi
"{⟦\n  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),\n  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 3F-FC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CD\n  ⟧\n  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00\n  ⟧\n),\n  λ ⤍ Package\n⟧}"

--output-file FILE

Redirects the output to file of the given path instead of stdout.

--dependency-file FILE

Injects package dependencies from a given file into the context when transforming the input. Can be used multiple times to inject multiple dependencies.

FILE not specified (read from stdin)

cat celsius.phi | normalizer transform --single --json --rules ./eo-phi-normalizer/test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml
"{⟦\n  c ↦ Φ.org.eolang.float (as-bytes ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 40-39-00-00-00-00-00-00)),\n  result ↦ ξ.c.times (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 3F-FC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CD\n  ⟧\n  ).plus (x ↦ ⟦\n    Δ ⤍ 40-40-00-00-00-00-00-00\n  ⟧\n),\n  λ ⤍ Package\n⟧}"