normalizer pipeline report


The normalizer pipeline report command generates reports about initial and normalized PHI programs.

The reports contain detailed information about metrics collected for these programs.

The reports are in HTML, GitHub Flavored Markdown, and JSON formats.


The command requires that there are:

  • Initial PHI programs
  • Normalized PHI programs
  • A report configuration file

PHI programs

Currently, we translate EO programs and get initial PHI programs.

Next, we normalize these PHI programs and get normalized PHI programs.

Report configuration

The report configuration is stored in the report object in the pipeline configuration file.



normalizer pipeline report --help
Usage: normalizer pipeline report (-c|--config FILE)

  Generate reports about initial and normalized PHI programs.

Available options:
  -c,--config FILE         The FILE with a report configuration.
  -h,--help                Show this help text


normalizer pipeline report --config pipeline/config.yaml