eo-phi-normalizer-3.2.0: Command line normalizer of 𝜑-calculus expressions.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> :set -XOverloadedLists

count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int Source #

class Inspectable a where Source #


inspect :: a -> InspectM Source #


Instances details
Inspectable Binding Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.EO.Phi.Metrics.Collect

Inspectable Object Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.EO.Phi.Metrics.Collect

getThisObjectMetrics :: Object -> MetricsCount Source #

Get metrics for an object

>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes( Δ ⤍ 00- ) ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 3}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 1, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α1 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α1 ↦ ⟦ α2 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 0, formations = 3, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 1, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 3, applications = 0, formations = 3, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 4, applications = 0, formations = 4, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ org ↦ ⟦ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 5, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 5}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ Φ.something(α1 ↦ ⟦ α2 ↦ ⟦ α3 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 01- ⟧ ⟧ ⟧) ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 1, formations = 4, dispatches = 1}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c, Δ ⤍ 01- ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 01- ⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 5}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ org ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 01-, c ↦ ∅ ⟧(c ↦ ⟦ ⟧) ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 1, formations = 3, dispatches = 0}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 01- ⟧.a ⟧ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 4, applications = 0, formations = 5, dispatches = 1}
>>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ ⟧.a ⟧, α0 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 01- ⟧.b ⟧"
Metrics {dataless = 3, applications = 0, formations = 4, dispatches = 2}

getObjectByPath :: Object -> Path -> Either Path Object Source #

Get an object by a path within a given object.

If no object is accessible by the path, return the path that led to a non-formation. >>> flip getObjectByPath ["org", "eolang"] "⟦ org ↦ ⟦ eolang ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, z ↦ ⟦ y ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ∅, φ ↦ ξ.x ⟧, φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧⟧" Right (Formation [AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar (Label (LabelId "x"))) (Formation [AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar Phi) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bool"))) [AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar (Alpha (AlphaIndex "945&0"))) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bytes"))) [DeltaBinding (Bytes "01-")])])]),AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar (Label (LabelId "z"))) (Formation [AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar (Label (LabelId "y"))) (Formation [EmptyBinding (Label (LabelId "x")),AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar Phi) (ObjectDispatch ThisObject (Label (LabelId "x")))]),AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar Phi) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bool"))) [AlphaBinding (AttributeNoSugar (Alpha (AlphaIndex "945&0"))) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bytes"))) [DeltaBinding (Bytes "01-")])])]),LambdaBinding (Function Package)])

>>> flip getObjectByPath ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
Left ["a"]

getBindingsByPathMetrics :: Object -> Path -> Either Path BindingsByPathMetrics Source #

Get metrics for bindings of a formation that is accessible by a path within a given object.

If no formation is accessible by the path, return the path that led to a non-formation. >>> flip getBindingsByPathMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧" Left ["a"]

>>> flip getBindingsByPathMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧ ⟧"
Right (BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["a"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "b", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 2}},BindingMetrics {name = "e", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 2}}]})

getObjectMetrics :: Object -> Maybe Path -> Either Path ObjectMetrics Source #

Get metrics for an object and for bindings of a formation accessible by a given path.

Combine metrics produced by getThisObjectMetrics and getBindingsByPathMetrics.

If no formation is accessible by the path, return the path that led to a non-formation. >>> flip getObjectMetrics (Just ["a"]) "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧" Left ["a"]

>>> flip getObjectMetrics (Just ["a"]) "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧ ⟧"
Right (ObjectMetrics {bindingsByPathMetrics = Just (BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["a"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "b", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 2}},BindingMetrics {name = "e", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 2}}]}), thisObjectMetrics = Metrics {dataless = 5, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 4}})

getProgramMetrics :: Program -> Maybe Path -> Either Path ProgramMetrics Source #

Get metrics for a program and for bindings of a formation accessible by the given path.

Combine metrics produced by getThisObjectMetrics and getBindingsByPathMetrics.

If no formation is accessible by the path, return the path that led to a non-formation. >>> flip getProgramMetrics (Just ["org", "eolang"]) "{⟦ org ↦ ⟦ eolang ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, z ↦ ⟦ y ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ∅, φ ↦ ξ.x ⟧, φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧⟧ }" Right (ProgramMetrics {bindingsByPathMetrics = Just (BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["org","eolang"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "x", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 2, formations = 1, dispatches = 6}},BindingMetrics {name = "z", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 2, formations = 2, dispatches = 7}}]}), programMetrics = Metrics {dataless = 6, applications = 4, formations = 6, dispatches = 13}})

>>> flip getProgramMetrics (Just ["a"]) "{⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧}"
Left ["a"]
>>> flip getProgramMetrics (Just ["a"]) "{⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧ ⟧}"
Right (ProgramMetrics {bindingsByPathMetrics = Just (BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["a"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "b", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 2}},BindingMetrics {name = "e", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 2}}]}), programMetrics = Metrics {dataless = 5, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 4}})