Package org.eolang.jeo.representation.directives
Package for generating XMIR by using ASM library.
This package contains different visitors that are used to build XML directives.
In other words all classes in this package scan bytecode by using ASM library
( and build XML directives
by using Xembly library (
Later on these directives are used to build XML representation of the bytecode class.
- Since:
- 0.1.0
Class Summary Class Description DirectivesAnnotation Directives Annotation.DirectivesAnnotationAnnotationValue An annotation value that is itself an annotation.DirectivesAnnotations Directives Annotation.DirectivesArrayAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an array.DirectivesAttribute Directives for an attribute.DirectivesAttributes Directives for attributes.DirectivesBytes Directives for bytes.DirectivesClass Directives Class.DirectivesClassProperties Class properties as Xembly directives.DirectivesComment Directives for a comment.DirectivesDefaultValue This class represents a default annotation value.DirectivesEnumAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an enumeration.DirectivesEoObject Directives that represent a pure EO object.DirectivesField Field directives.DirectivesFrame Frame directives.DirectivesHandle Directives Handle.DirectivesInstruction Instruction directives.DirectivesJeoObject Directives that represent a pure JEO object.DirectivesLabel Xml directives for label entry in byrecode.DirectivesMaxs Max stack and locals.DirectivesMetas Directives for meta-information of a class.DirectivesMethod Directives Method.DirectivesMethodParam Directives for a method parameter.DirectivesMethodParams Directives for method parameters.DirectivesMethodProperties Method properties as Xembly directives.DirectivesOperand Operand XML directives.DirectivesPlainAnnotationValue An annotation value that is plain.DirectivesProgram Program representation as Xembly directives.DirectivesSeq Directives sequence.DirectivesTryCatch Try catch directives.DirectivesValue Data Object Directive in EO language.DirectivesValues Array representation of some values as Xembly directives.EoFqn Eolang fully qualified name.JeoFqn Jeo fully qualified name.OpcodeName Opcode name.