All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AsmAnnotations Asm annotations.AsmClass ASM bytecode parser for a class.AsmLabels Asm Method Labels.AsmProgram ASM bytecode parser.AssembleMojo Converts EO to bytecode.Assembling Assembling transformation.Bytecode Java bytecode.BytecodeAnnotation Bytecode annotation.BytecodeAnnotationAnnotationValue An annotation value that is itself an annotation.BytecodeAnnotations Bytecode annotations.BytecodeAnnotationValue Bytecode annotation value.BytecodeArrayAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an array.BytecodeAttribute Bytecode attribute.BytecodeAttributes Bytecode attributes.BytecodeClass Class useful for generating bytecode for testing purposes.BytecodeClassProperties Class properties.BytecodeDefaultValue Bytecode default value.BytecodeEntry Bytecode instruction or a label.BytecodeEnumAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an enumeration.BytecodeField Bytecode field.BytecodeFrame Bytecode frame.BytecodeHandler Bytecode handler.BytecodeInstruction Bytecode instruction.BytecodeLabel Mark label instruction.BytecodeLine Bytecode line.BytecodeListing This is pretty-printing of bytecode.BytecodeMaxs Bytecode maxs.BytecodeMethod Bytecode method.BytecodeMethodBuilder Bytecode method builder.BytecodeMethodParameter Bytecode method parameter.BytecodeMethodParameters Bytecode parameters.BytecodeMethodProperties Bytecode method properties.BytecodePlainAnnotationValue An annotation value that is a plain value.BytecodeProgram Bytecode program.BytecodeRepresentation Intermediate representation of a class files which can be optimized from bytecode.BytecodeTryCatchBlock Bytecode try-catch block.BytecodeValue Bytecode value.Caching Cached transformation.CanonicalXmir Canonical XMIR.ClassName Class name.ClassNameVisitor Class name.CustomClassWriter Custom class writer.DecodedString Simple string that might be encoded.DefaultVersion Version of ASM and Java bytecode.DirectivesAnnotation Directives Annotation.DirectivesAnnotationAnnotationValue An annotation value that is itself an annotation.DirectivesAnnotations Directives Annotation.DirectivesArrayAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an array.DirectivesAttribute Directives for an attribute.DirectivesAttributes Directives for attributes.DirectivesBytes Directives for bytes.DirectivesClass Directives Class.DirectivesClassProperties Class properties as Xembly directives.DirectivesComment Directives for a comment.DirectivesDefaultValue This class represents a default annotation value.DirectivesEnumAnnotationValue An annotation value that is an enumeration.DirectivesEoObject Directives that represent a pure EO object.DirectivesField Field directives.DirectivesFrame Frame directives.DirectivesHandle Directives Handle.DirectivesInstruction Instruction directives.DirectivesJeoObject Directives that represent a pure JEO object.DirectivesLabel Xml directives for label entry in byrecode.DirectivesMaxs Max stack and locals.DirectivesMetas Directives for meta-information of a class.DirectivesMethod Directives Method.DirectivesMethodParam Directives for a method parameter.DirectivesMethodParams Directives for method parameters.DirectivesMethodProperties Method properties as Xembly directives.DirectivesOperand Operand XML directives.DirectivesPlainAnnotationValue An annotation value that is plain.DirectivesProgram Program representation as Xembly directives.DirectivesSeq Directives sequence.DirectivesTryCatch Try catch directives.DirectivesValue Data Object Directive in EO language.DirectivesValues Array representation of some values as Xembly directives.DisassembleMode Disassemble mode.DisassembleMojo Converts bytecode to EO.Disassembler This class disassembles the project's compiled classes.Disassembling Disassembling transformation.EncodedString Encoded string that might be decoded.EoFqn Eolang fully qualified name.InnerClass Inner class attribute.InstructionsFlow<T extends org.eolang.jeo.representation.bytecode.InstructionsFlow.Reducible<T>> Data-flow analysis.JcabiXmlDoc Jcabi XML document.JcabiXmlNode Jcabi XML node.JeoClassLoader JEO class loader.JeoFqn Jeo fully qualified name.LocalVariable Local variable attribute.Logging Translation that leaves a log message before and after applying the original translation.MethodName Method name.NativeXmlDoc Native XML document.NativeXmlNode XML smart element.OpcodeName Opcode name.ParallelTranslator Translator that applies a translation to a batch of representations in parallel.Parameter PluginStartup All mojo's initialization step.PrefixedName Java name.SameXml Matcher to check if the received XML document is the same as the expected one.Signature Method name.Summary Translation summary log.Transformation Transformation.Translator Translator that applies a translation to a batch of representations.Unroll Unroll XMIR file.UnrollMojo This mojo unrolls all the changes made by PHI/UNPHI transformations.WithoutLines The same XML, but without lines and comments.XmirRepresentation Intermediate representation of a class files from XMIR.XmlAnnotation Xmir representation of an annotation.XmlAnnotations Xmir annotations.XmlAnnotationValue Xmir annotation property.XmlAttribute Xml representation of a single bytecode attribute.XmlAttributes Xml representation of a class attributes.XmlBytecodeEntry XML representation of bytecode instruction or a label.XmlClass XML class.XmlClassProperties XML representation of a class.XmlDefaultValue XMIR of annotation default value.XmlDoc XML document abstraction.XmlField XML field.XmlFrame Xmir representation of bytecode frame.XmlInstruction Bytecode instruction from XML.XmlLabel XML representation of bytecode label.XmlLocalVariable Xml representation of a local variable.XmlMaxs Xmir representation of max stack and max locals of a method.XmlMethod XML method.XmlNode XML document node.XmlOperand XML operand.XmlParam Xmir representation of a method parameter.XmlParams XML method params.XmlProgram XMIR Program.XmlTryCatchEntry XML try-catch entry.XmlValue XML value.